Friday, August 8, 2014

Summer Wedding, Baby Blessing, Family Reunion

When Ryan and I first got married we discussed things like financial priorities. We both decided that after the obvious priorities (tithing, food, housing, savings....) a huge priority would be travel. Well, we have learned the more your family expands, the more expensive that gets. But it's so worth it. Especially if you are traveling to visit family. The first trip we took, this summer, was to Utah to see my little brother Seth get married. It was a quick trip, but a blast! The kids and I also got to go to a reunion for my dad's side of the family. 

The kids were so excited to go. This was on the way to the airport. I gotta admit, I actually love traveling with kids. It's so fun to see everything through their eyes. 

We got to the airport kinda early, so they rode this probably a hundred times. Surprisingly, no one got mad. We just got a ton of compliments on our kids. At one point, the lady at the gate, looked at our tickets and said, "Ahhh, the beautiful Lovelands." Ryan and I just laughed, I can only imagine she was talking about our precious babies. 

Annddd... This is part of the reason why I love traveling with babies. There is nothing to do but snuggle. Can't beat that!

We had the opportunity to stay with Ryan's brother, Ben, and his family. We also got to be there for this sweet girls blessing! We sure packed a ton into a few days!

Beautiful cousins!

Lizzy, our neice (Ben's daughter) and Claire are best friends. They are three years apart but that means nothing to them! Claire was so insistent that they needed matching outfits. I couldn't help myself!

We got to go to temple square. When we arrived at the Christus, Oliver immediately recognized him. And just stood like this for many minutes repeating, Jesus, Jesus, in his sweet 17 month old whisper. It reminded me, that these guys are closer to heaven than we think. 

This is the beautiful dress Claire wore for the wedding. Unfortunately, I don't have too many pictures of the wedding and the temple so as soon as I get those I will have to post them. 

Oliver had the coolest tux that I found at a thrift store, and things were so busy I didn't even get a picture! But he sure was cute running around like this!

And like this!

After the wedding and blessing we got to go to Bear Lake, Utah for a family reunion. While we were up there we saw this tree that is 2690 years old?!?!?!?!? It was HUGE!! The kids like climbing it. 

Once again, I don't have a ton of pictures, I guess it's a sign of a good trip ;-) but this is Claire, who is actually happy, but singing her heart out. She is so fun!

And this is how Mr. Oliver rolls. With we waaayyy too much swag! This was on our way home. It was a great trip and so wonderful to see so much family!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Cupcake Lady

As some people know, I have a HUGE passion for birth and supporting women in pregnancy and birth. So I do some doula work on the side and I love it! I recently have started working with a partner and our work has really picked up. The other day when I was heading out to go give some support to a laboring mama I dropped my kids off at my moms house and this is what I came home to...
Seriously, she lives the life! What little lady wouldn't want to make horse princess cupcakes just for fun?

I don't like leaving my kids, ever, honestly. I am so in love with my babies that I don't feel like it is a "break". I usually don't have to leave them in the daytime (I swear most mamas go into labor at night) but when I do leave them, I know they are in the best of hands and have way to much fun. We are so blessed!

Our first summery week of fun!

The weather is warm and we were feeling the heat. So we splurged and got a sweet kiddie pool for the kids. It was the best investment ever. They have bee out there all week long! They have slept so well this week too ;-)

Post swim cuddles 😚

There are some really neat parks around here with some great splash pads. This was the look on my dies faces when they saw the splash pad. It was pretty funny! 

This picture was even more funny! This is pure Oliver and Claire. They know how to live in the moment 100%!

I don't know what they'd do without each other. 

Claire definitely would be bummed because she wouldn't have anyone to watch over and she LOVES to do that! This was her at costco making sure Oliver wasn't getting into any trouble. Thanks girl!

Memorial Day Celebrations

I didn't get any pictures but this morning we went to a Memorial Day breakfast. We are so eternally grateful for the men and women who gave their lives for our freedom! 

Later in the day we had fun celebrating with the family. 

Grandpa and Oliver got some serious loves in. This boy is so intense! What ever he is doing he does it 110%! Grandpa just are up those loves!

Claire came running down from ain't Katrina's room so thrilled because Trina turned her Ito an unicorn by putting rainbow makeup in her!

Then we ended the day with a water fight and a water cool down. We may be rednecks but hey we got cool!

They are going to sleep well tonight!

Happy Sunday!

Claire insisted on a impromptu photo shoot after church. It just happened that they coordinated. 
I can't even express how happy it makes that they love each other!

They are just a bunch of silly kids!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Cottage Cheese

Claire is a little obsessed with cottage cheese....

Whatever makes her happy!!

Ball Boy

This little man is crazy about balls. He loves them! Last night I made the mistake  of putting a shirt on him with a basketball on it. As I was rocking him to sleep he realized what was on his shirt and he couldn't handle it. He was so happy. He kept point at his shirt saying "basketball, basketball!!!" It took a good 20 minutes to settle him down! I love that kid!

Best Buds

It seems like the older they get the better friends they are. Claire has always lived Oliver, but now Oliver is her best friend. She doesn't mind sharing with him because she tells me, "Sharing is caring". She also loves the idea that she can teach him through her example. 

Oliver is obsessed with Claire and will do anything that she is doing. He calls her Claire Bear but it sounds more like Lare beer. 

Now, nothing is more fun then to do something goofy together. Claire can get Oliver doing that deep belly baby laugh. 

They are both obsessed with baby dolls right now and will play baby dolls together. 

This is them wrestling. They love to do this before bed. 

There is nothing sweeter than sibling love. It definitely makes both of them better people!

Growing Up

This little girl is just growing up like crazy! The other night she was having a hard time going to sleep (which isn't unusual) so I jumped at the opportunity to rock her to sleep. 

It was just pure sweet joy. I know these moments are going to become fewer and fewer and I just eat I every last baby love I can give her. She is one remarkable girl! 

Family Date!

We went to a strawberry - asparagus festival today. Who has even heard of such a thing?!?! But seriously, it was awesome on so many different levels. It just may become a family tradition!

Our silly little strawberry! Man, we love her!

The kids loved the alpacas!  Oliver kept saying, "dog! Dog!" Claire just wanted to snuggle them and never leave. 

After we went to the farm we went to some ancient Indian mounds. It was a t a place called Fort Ancient. Some of the most beautiful land I've seen! I told Ryan we need to get some land there!

Claire and Oliver loved our "family date". Right now Ryan and I are a little too obsessed with our kids to leave them for regular dates so we just decided to turn our dates into family dates and we couldn't be happier!