Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Mr. Jack Oliver has arrived!

 Mr. Jack Oliver is here!!! He came in at 9 lbs 1 oz! He is absolutely perfect! We love him! Claire sure can't get enough of him! I will post his birth story later for right now I will just post some pics of us at the hospital.

Claire knew who he was right off the bat! She couldn't get enough of him!

 Grandpa is taken with him too! It was so neat that my family got to visit that night I had him! This little guy is named after my dad, Jack, and Ryan's dad Oliver. He will go by Oliver or Ollie.

Claire thought his hospital bed was pretty cool :)

This may not be the most attractive picture of me and I almost didn't post it, but then I thought, 'Hey, I just had a 5 hour, natural, water birth and went through the most pain I had ever experienced and pushed out a 9 lb baby. I am allowed to have a bad picture!'

 Claire just being Claire!

Ryan was so proud of his little boy! He is the best dad ever!

Mr. Oliver himself!

This is the day after I had him. Look at how he fills out that 3 month sleeper! He is a really long baby!

We are in absolute heaven! He is such a happy baby! We are so grateful for this new little blessing!


 This year we had TWO Christmas's! We had one with just our little family on Christmas Eve morning because Ryan had to work Christmas Eve and then after Ryan came home from work we had a Christmas with my family. Claire was in heaven! I'll let the pictures do most of the talking...

I got my dad the "like a boss" Shirt....He loved it :) it was an inside joke.

Logan was in heaven too!

Oh Uncle Sethie!

That is me opening up Trina's present to me. She gave me her iPod. That was like her giving me her soul! She loves that thing. She also went through and put on all these awesome songs sto run to. I love it!

The kids know Ryan very well! They got him a packet of hot sauce!

Of course Claire found the candy! She loves it!

Grandma got her some weights. Work it girl!!

These are AIR SOFT guns. They are NOT real. But I thought the picture was really cute! Claire loves her Daddy so much!
Yeah she is really tough!

Happy kiddos!

In th eend I think she went into a candy coma!!! We had a great Christmas!