Thursday, April 28, 2011


For Easter we went to Illinios for an impromtu White family reunion and my grandma White's house. It was so fun!

This is us in our Easter best. My little sister informed me my dress was not Eastery. I had to explain to her when you are breast feeding your wardrobe is cut in half because you have to wear things you can easily breast feed in.

We all took a walk to the near by park while some of my uncles and Ryan went canoeing. I couldn't find our stroller so I had to put Claire in her sling. She loves being in the sling, the problem is she is getting too big... I need to get a bigger sling.

Pure Preciousness!!! Have I mentioned I am madly in love with my sweet Claire bear?

These are some of my girl cousins and sisters having a blast!

This was a happy coincidence. This is Bevan and Austin on their Rip Sticks. No posing just there pure swagger ;)

This is my aunt trying to help Claire feel better when she was having a colicy moment. She had a daughter with colic and was very sympathetic!

This is the most amazing nephew ever, Logan, or as I call him, Master Logan. He is just the cutest little 1 year old ever!

Some family bonding. If you notice my dad, could care less about the conversation and he was all eyes for Claire. He is so in love with his grandkids. It is so sweet.

My aunt Sara's boys and my brothers. They are full of it when they are together. It is so fun!

These pictures are a little out of order, but some of the cousins decided they needed to make a pyramid...You know how those turn out.

Yup!! Exactly!

This is my FAVORITE picture of the weekend! Isaiah and Claire! Oh I just get gooey over this picture. (Did you notice how she is almost too long for her 3-6 month outfit? ahh)

6 Weeks

The colic seems like it may be taking a turn for the better!! It has been a hard time dealing with colic, but I think it has definitely made Claire and I closer. I just love her so much and it is so hard to see her hurt. I can only imagine what Heavenly Father feels when each one of us is in pain.

She wasn't happy about sitting up.

Isn't she just a doll?
Oh and just a quick update on her size. She now fits comfortably into all her 6 months clothes...Ahhh she is growing WAY to FAST!!

5 weeks...and colic

This is Claire at 5 weeks. She is absolutely precious in every way. Lately, though we have been struggling with colic. We went to the Dr. and she said that her fussiness is caused by colic. It is heart breaking because she will be sound asleep then wake up screaming because of tummy cramps :( She has been fussy because she is in so much pain. I know that she will get better, though. I can just feel her sweet spirit and how much she wants to be happy.

I can put up with weeks of colic for that face! Couldn't you?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

One Month Old!!

Can you say Pure Precious Perfection? She turned 1 month on April 10! It is bitter sweet. Already I feel like life is flying by! One change I have noticed is how much I love her grows everyday. Everyday I feel like it would be impossible to love her more, and then the next day comes....and....BAM!!!!!! It's so awesome to be a mom!

Today We took her to church for the first time. It is waaayyy too fun to dress her up!

This is her in her Precious Purple Princess outfit.

This is our friend Emily Tolley. Her and Claire get along great!

My heart just melts for her!

Is there anything cuter than chubby baby thighs? I just LOVE her legs!!

Her and her daddy are great at nap time!! They are best friends :) Last Saturday, April 2, 2011, Claire smiled at her daddy!! He was the first one that has gotten a reactive smile from her!! Then she started fussing and I took her and she smiled at me!! I think that was the most amazing moment of my life! I have never felt that way before.

Last week I started running again. This is Claire's running out fit. It is so fun to put her in it because it is like having your own real life teddy bear :) We just put her in this outfit and put her in the stroller!! It is great exercise to run with the stroller. It gives your whole body a work out. I love it!

3 Week Pictures

These pictures were taken April 1, 2011. Obviously, I am way behind! I need to play catch up. Well, she is doing great, as always! We are even more head over heals in love with her!

She is still just waking up once a night! I think the reason is, is we co-sleep. I know this is controversial. I wasn't planning on it, but the first night I came home with her, it just felt right. It felt absolutely horrible to let her sleep in her bassinet. It may not be for everyone, but for us it is perfect!