Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The parents move to town!!!!!

This is the biggest and best news, since I became pregnant with little Oliver....
My parents and siblings are my best friends. We are very close. I just never dreamed that we would ever live so close to each other. But we do now and I am so grateful for this incredible blessing. Claire and I go over to grandma's house almost every day. She loves the family so much and they are all almost as obsessed and in love with her as Ryan and I are! It will be so nice to have them near by once Oliver comes too! Just had to share my good news!

A little Catch up, like always!

Claire is now 20 months!!! Can you believe it?? She is potty trained (she still struggles a little with the #2 but is doing great). She DISLIKES nursery unless Ryan or I are in there. She is very verbal. There is no way I could even begin to count how many words she says, because by the time I count them she is saying more! She loves to be the boss, which will make her a great big sister. She is incredibly empathetic and loving.

Claire loves to look at facebook and Pinterest with me. This is one of her favorite activites. She loves to see all the babies. She will bring me my iPad and say, "Mom, babies?" How can I say no?

Claire Bear is 100% girl! She came into the kitchen and said, "Mom, I bye,bye!" And was ver proud of herself for finding all of these "purses". Silly  Claire!

Claire loves her dad with all her little heart.  This morning when he got up to go to clinicals, Claire was instantly awake and said, "Mom, Daddy bye-bye, Daddy hug?" That interprets into, "Mom, dad is going away and I would like to give him a hug." Yesterday, she was so proud of herself because She snuck upstairs while I was cleaning and knocked on her Daddy's office. He was studying and she knows that she has to leave him alone while he is studying. She also knows that dad can't resist her sweet preciousness. So, he decided to take a break and play with her. When he brought her down she exclaimed, "Mom!!! It's Daddy!!!!" Oh my heart just melts with how much she loves him and he loves her. It definetly makes me love him even more!

I have to admit, though, Claire and I are best friends. We do just about everything together and we have way too many inside jokes. Not only do we love to spend time together but she loves to help with chores! Sometimes this makes chores a little harder, but I love how much she loves to help me. She is going to make such a great big sister!

We sure do love our little girl and we can't wait for our little boy! 7 more weeks! It feels like an eternity and yet I have and eternity x2 work to be done to get ready for him. Ahhh!