Friday, August 8, 2014

Summer Wedding, Baby Blessing, Family Reunion

When Ryan and I first got married we discussed things like financial priorities. We both decided that after the obvious priorities (tithing, food, housing, savings....) a huge priority would be travel. Well, we have learned the more your family expands, the more expensive that gets. But it's so worth it. Especially if you are traveling to visit family. The first trip we took, this summer, was to Utah to see my little brother Seth get married. It was a quick trip, but a blast! The kids and I also got to go to a reunion for my dad's side of the family. 

The kids were so excited to go. This was on the way to the airport. I gotta admit, I actually love traveling with kids. It's so fun to see everything through their eyes. 

We got to the airport kinda early, so they rode this probably a hundred times. Surprisingly, no one got mad. We just got a ton of compliments on our kids. At one point, the lady at the gate, looked at our tickets and said, "Ahhh, the beautiful Lovelands." Ryan and I just laughed, I can only imagine she was talking about our precious babies. 

Annddd... This is part of the reason why I love traveling with babies. There is nothing to do but snuggle. Can't beat that!

We had the opportunity to stay with Ryan's brother, Ben, and his family. We also got to be there for this sweet girls blessing! We sure packed a ton into a few days!

Beautiful cousins!

Lizzy, our neice (Ben's daughter) and Claire are best friends. They are three years apart but that means nothing to them! Claire was so insistent that they needed matching outfits. I couldn't help myself!

We got to go to temple square. When we arrived at the Christus, Oliver immediately recognized him. And just stood like this for many minutes repeating, Jesus, Jesus, in his sweet 17 month old whisper. It reminded me, that these guys are closer to heaven than we think. 

This is the beautiful dress Claire wore for the wedding. Unfortunately, I don't have too many pictures of the wedding and the temple so as soon as I get those I will have to post them. 

Oliver had the coolest tux that I found at a thrift store, and things were so busy I didn't even get a picture! But he sure was cute running around like this!

And like this!

After the wedding and blessing we got to go to Bear Lake, Utah for a family reunion. While we were up there we saw this tree that is 2690 years old?!?!?!?!? It was HUGE!! The kids like climbing it. 

Once again, I don't have a ton of pictures, I guess it's a sign of a good trip ;-) but this is Claire, who is actually happy, but singing her heart out. She is so fun!

And this is how Mr. Oliver rolls. With we waaayyy too much swag! This was on our way home. It was a great trip and so wonderful to see so much family!