Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bathtime Ritual

We have a bathtime ritual. I absoulutely love bathtime!

First we adore the chub. (That usually means blowing many poppers on the rolls.)

Then we place the baby in the sink.

Then we commence to make a faux hawk in her luxurious hair and sit and admire it for a while.

Then we just let her play. She loves baths. I think we are going to have to graduate to the tub she has really enjoyed splashing around a little too much for a kitchen.

Then, this is my favorite part of the bath, the post bath time loves. As soon as we take her out of the tub she loves and loves on you. She tries to bury herself into you and if you are not careful she will just sing herself to sleep with no clothes or diapers on.
I LOVE bathtime.

Random catch up

Yes, she IS my daughter... Not that I would ever eat a snickers, cookie dough, brownie dough or any sweets for breakfast ever! Ha, yeah right!

We have some goodies in a freezer and Ryan had gotten a couple out. I think the cold felt good on her teeth and it made for a cute picture.

This also made for a cute picture! Look at that face! She's amazing!

These are just two of the most beautiful people in the world and the most beautiful dog. I love taking pictures of them togther!

This one is a little overexposed but I love it because this is how Ryan and Claire play all the time and you can tell that they just love each other.

Silly daddy and daughter!

10 months and Crawling!

Sooo Claire turned ten months this month! On her ten month brithday she just up and crawled! I have been kind of worried because she hasn't crawled until now. I was talking on the phone to my mom and she saw something she wanted and just decided to go get it....She LOVES life now. She can entertain herself forever by playing with toys on the floor. She sits there and talks to the object in the softest sweetest baby voice ever. Melts my heart!

This is her on her 10 month birthday. We took her pants off so she had better range of motion. Annndd because she has the cutest rolls on her legs!

Her she is, going for the gold. She makes her daddy proud by reading his pathophys book. What can I say? Baby genious! haha
Some other ten month updates are:
She has added a few new words to her vocab. She says Mama and Dada correctly. She says hi she has also learned Anna. Whenever my sister Anna walks by Claire will say her name, it's pretty precious.
She is mimicing animal noises.
She is clapping her hands like a maniac! Something she does that melts my heart is in the middle of breast feeding she will just start clapping her hands, like she is saying, "Good job, mama! You rock! Thanks for doing this!" I can't get enough of it!
She is pulling herself up to a standing position and will stand for 5-10 seconds without holding on to anything.
She is walking if she has something to hold on to.
She LOVES it when we play the chase game. She will go into laughing fits because of it.
Something I just LOVE about her is her sense of humor. She will find something funny in just about anything AND she lets you know its funny, too.
There is so much more I could write about her, but I will hold back for right now. I love this little girl. She is just too much sweetnees to handle!

Our Flight Home

Our flight home from Idaho, after Christmas was insanse....The flight itself went fine, but we had to be at the airport by 4:00 A!M! Yeah, that's crazy, the real crazy part was how wired and excited Claire was to be up and flying at that time. She was hamming it up so bad the flight attendent asked if she could take a picture beccuse Claire was being so cute. We

She was crazy! It has taken WEEKS though to recover her normal sleep schedule. She doesn't adjust to change well.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

New Years with my BFF!!

I was so blessed this holiday season! I got to see my best friend from high school and her family. They came ALL the way from Georgia! We got to bring in the New Year with them and it was one of the funnest New Years I have had in a LLLOOONNNGG time!
This is Lisa and her sweet baby. Claire and Ethan are only 2 months apart. They are most likely going to get married.

Kyra and Claire are already best friends!

She has the most precious babies! I love her kids!

He is such a sweet guy!

Lazagna heaven!

Oh Claire Bear, you are definitely a Loveland!

Ha! I Love it!

She is serious about her food!

mmmmm good!

Lisa and Levi with their cute braces. I don't think I could pull braces off like they do.

Levi, Kyra and Anna. They are soo good with babies.

I just love Claire and I love loving on Claire! She is so sweet. She is usually to worried about wha tis going on to give too many loves but when she does I just soak them up!

Don't mind my goofy face, I love Claire's face in this!

Yeah, we're best friends.

Happy New Years!!!!!!!!

Mwahhh babe, Love you! Can't wait to see what this next year brings us!

Lisa and Justin! What a goregous couple!

Ethan and Claire, what a gorgeous couple! haha

Oh and of course, when Lisa and I are together we HAVE to make brownie dough and eat it. So we made pizza and brownie dough and it was delicious!

Kyra just being miss cutie pants herself.

Oh funny story....So we accidentally locked the door. I heard about it thought, 'Oh no big deal, the guys can get it, I'll deal with Claire.' Well, a while later they still hadn't gotten it so I was thinking, 'Really, whats going on?' They I guess did not come from the hood like me and aren't pro at picking locks....Ha, just kidding but I love this picture because the you can see the guys in the background. I pick up serious lock picking technique from living with my brother Nick, who is autistic.

We were craft maniacs too!

Kyra is so stinking beautiful! I just had to make her a pretty flower for her beautiful hair!

Claire is from the hood, too. heheh

To some it up... I LOVE my girl Lisa! She rocks my socks! I am so blessed to have her in my life and be able to see her occasionally. I hope I can see her more! You and your family rock! Thanks for all you have done for me!