Saturday, September 15, 2012

For the Love of Kitties!

 Not only does Claire love Vlade, but Vlade loves her! I walked into the family room and saw them like this. They laid like this for a while. Like I have said before, this girl just has so much love in her heart she can't hold it all in!
So precious! We have been blessed with the best animals for kids! We love them!
I thought this was funny. Right as I snapped the picture Vlade yawned, it looks like he is going to bite her head off. Haha, he wouldn't ever do that, but it is a cute picture...
Here is the man, himself, Vlade. He is a sweet boy. He just loves and loves, him and Claire are perfect for each other! 

18 months...Oh my!

 This little girl turned 18 months!!! I can't believe it!! If it weren't for the fact that I have one on the way I think I would be getting VERY baby hungry. It seems as if over night she just grew up! She is quite the little person, and I am so humbled to be her mother!
At 18 months she LOVES to:
Sing and Dance (she can shake it like no other)
She talks and talks. We were at the park the other day and I was talking to a mom who is a speech therapist and she was just blown away at Claire's vocabulary
She LOVES babies. Her favorite books are the books with babies in them.
She LOVES to talk to my belly and say, "Hello, baby, I love you!" or "Hello, Oliver!" Melts my heart
She has to have a job to do. If I am cleaning, I won't get anything done until I give her a chore, then she will be content until she feels like it is finished and she needs a new chore
She LOVES parks and especially loves slides. She has learned how to go down slides all by herself. I love it because I can just sit there and watch her. She gets worn out and I get a rest! Life couldn't be better!
Another thing she LOVES to do is try to sit in things. She tries to sit inside of little buses or cars and gets so mad that she can't fit.
 The other day she had a great idea. She emptied out her block container and sat in that. If you can't tell from the picture she was incredibly proud of herself!
She was also really excited when she realized that she could fit ontop of the motorcycle. This is a decoration I bought a long time of go in honor of Ryan's love for motorcycles. Claire loves them too. When she seems them on the road she always points at the and says. "Daddy!"
Claire is not my little baby any more. She is growing up every day. I know that she is going to be such an incredible big sister! She was born needing responsibility and has a ton of love in her heart. I am so excited to see her grow!

Ryan turns the BIG 29!

 It was Ryan's birthday! He turned 29 years old! It is kind of funny that although he is 4 years older than me he constantly makes me feel young. He is one of those people who I don't think will ever get old and I love it. There is so much a I love about that man!
For Ryan's birthday he got a....
iphone 5!!! Well, he hasn't gottne it yet, but he will when it comes out. My parents thought that it would help with his school and career and decided to help us buy it. As you can tell, they may love Ryan a lot and he may be a little spoiled....
I made him a BSU cake for his birthday. Of course, the colors are more Easterish but it is just because I used some cheap food coloring. He loved it.
Claire had to help blow the candles out. She was a little nervous and took her job seriously.
That look on her face when she helped daddy blow out the candles...PRICELESS! There is so much I love about that girl!  


Oh and this is the inside of the cake. It was an idea I got from pinterest. So simple and so fun. Ryan was suprised and thout it was pretty neat. I am definitely going to be using this for many cakes to come!

Friday, September 14, 2012

4 Years and Going Strong!

This has been the best four years ever! I married my best friend. On our  wedding  day, our sealer told us that he had been married for over 48 and still had never had a fight with his wife. He encouraged us to do the same. I think both of us were floored. We had never heard of that or thought it possible, but we thought we might as well try!
So far, so good! Four years is no 48 years, but hey we have made it this far without fighting so here is to the next 44 years!!! Sure we do not always agree. I am grateful that we don't always agree but we have figured out how to disagree with love.

The ultimate best thing that has come from our marriage so far is this little bundle of joy and the half baked one in my belly! Marriage is so not about the couple. It is about the family and the good the family can do for others. I am so grateful for Ryan and his example to Claire and I! We love you big guy!