Sunday, October 16, 2011

Family Pictures

I decided that I wanted to get family pictures every year around our anniversary so we could see changes in our family from year to year. Well, with buying and house and moving in the family pictures got put back a couple months... Here they are! (And yes, I will be posting pictures of the house soon...I just hate taking pictures of it and not having it decorated and all the way unpacked!)

I love Claire's face in this picture!

I love this face even more! Ha, it's like, 'Daddy, not now!'

I just think my husband is so handsome! He's gorgeous! And he makes gorgeous babies :D

Claire definitely stole the show.

I just love how proud Ryan is of his baby. I feel the most loved when he is loving our daughter. It's the best feeling in the world!

I think this is cute, because it is so Claire...She is in charge and she knows it!

It's hard to take pictures with a baby! She gets so distracted, but sometimes I just think it is so cute!

Finally we are all looking!

Have I mentioned how much I love this man?

And wait...have I mentioned how much I love this girl? Life is so good!

This isn't the best picture of us, but I love how Claire's hand is on Ryan's chest. She seems to be saying, 'K, mom's holding me and dad is right here. Life is good.'

(I'm pretty sure she was laughing at one of her aunts or uncles in this picture, she loves them.)

Wait, have I mentioned that we have a new addition to our family? Ha, I wish! Logan wanted to be in some pictures. Isn't he just the most beautiful boy! He's amazing!

He loves his baby!

We love our baby! I love her kisses! She will grab you by the face and insist on chewing on your face to give you loves. It's amazing!

This picture we both look high. The thing is we were...High on baby loves!!!!

This picture is one of my favorites!

Life gets better and better! Everyday I thank my Heavenly Father for the amazing blessing my family is in my life. Sometimes I wonder if being a mom will get old or annoying...Nope, hasn't happened yet! It's the best thing in the world! Being a mom brings me closer to my Savior and to my husband. What a sacred calling!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Splish Splash!

Claire LOVES bath time. For a long time we just showered with her so it took her a while to get used to bath time, but man she loves it now! We have 3.5 bathrooms in our new home but she prefers the kitchen sink! Silly girl! She was just so cute while taking her bath I had to document it :-)
I just thought this picture was too adorable for words!! She may kill me for it later, but seriously, this is why we are just wrapped around her little fingers!

Here she is just fascinated by the water. Oh and you have to take a moment to appreciated those rolls! Seriously, I gotta admit I am a little proud of myself for producing the milk to support those rolls..hehe

She kept trying to grab the water. She does this in the shower too. It is so cute!

She just loves bath time! She couldn't stop laughing and talking to the water.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

7 month Photo Shoot

Soooo.....I did it again...I took a million pictures of Claire and then I couldn't decide which one I liked more so I posted tons on here....Oh well, when she is older she won't be able to say I didn't take pictures of her :-)

She is 7 months old!!! (Tomorrow) Goodness! I think she will always be 6 months old in my mind. She is growing up so much! I just can't get enough of her!
The picture above just may be my favorite. It was taken in my parents back yard. She loves to ham it up for the camera!

Here she is just hamming it! About three weeks ago she cut her first tooth...painlessly!!! If you look close you can see it poking through on the bottom. It just adds to her cuteness!

She loves to observe! She is so content to sit and watch people, pets, and especially other kids or babies. I love the look on her face when she is trying to figure the world out!

So this outfit is old school, but it is just all kinds of ruffles and lace I couldn't resist it. In fact I decided I want to bring old school ruffles, lace and fluff back for baby girls. It is just too precious!

I love this girl! She thinks the whole world is just there to entertain her! Life is meant to be laughed at, according to her.

She is just all smiles all of the time! Life was difficult for a while, but at about 6 months she decided she actually likes mortality and now everyday she loves it more and more!

Words just can't express what I feel for her!

This silly girl has found her tounge. She loves to poke it out of the side of her mouth. It is so cute.

This is the look she gives when she is trying to make other people smile at her. No joke! And guess what? It totally works, every time!

Ka-ka-ka-KICKS! She loves wearing shoes because then she has toys attached to her feet. I gotta admit I love the purple tights!

I love the old fashion lace!

Oh silly tongue!

All in all she is 100% pure preciousness! We are so in love with her!

At 7 months she is waving at people.

She LOVES to interact with people. She especially loves kids from 11 years and younger. During sacrament meeting she will interact with kids a lot older than her. I have had parents come up to me and thank me for letting Claire play with their kids so that their kids behave during church.

She will play catch. I know it sounds crazy but that is one of her favorite things to do. We roll something at her, she picks it up and throws it right back. She will do this for over 30 mins.

She will kiss you to death! Just last night she would lean in and give me the biggest kiss then pull back and laugh her head off, then she would lean in and give me a bigger kiss and then laugh her head off. She repeated it for a while. Let me tell you something, she gives BIG kisses. She grabs you by your face with both hands and will chew your face off. That is how she kisses. I love it!

She still isn't eating solids. I don't think I will start her on those til she is about a year. She is doing great on breast milk and doesn't care for solids.

Life with her is crazy amazing. I wouldn't give it up for anything!