Saturday, February 20, 2010



That is not a big number, right? I mean to say that I have found a wonderful pair of jeans for 13.1 dollars is amazing. 13.1 hours to drive to see my grandma in Illinois, really isn't the end of the world. 13.1 more days til a big paper is due is not a lot of days to prepare. Well, what about running 13.1 miles? Is that a big number then?...hmmm sometimes it seems like it might as well be across the state of Texas, and other times I feel like it is just a hop and a skip away. 13.1 miles is the distance of a half-marathon. That is the distance that Ryan and I are going to run in Houston on April 10. Should I be scared?

So back in December, a co-worker and I decided we should run a half marathon. One day she was like, "Jeni, lets run a half marathon." Without a second hesitation, I said, "Ok, when?" Well, sense then I have had a little bit of hesitation, but nonetheless, I am very excited for the big day. It is really neat actually because we have talked some of our other coworkers, who have never ran more than a mile or two in their whole lives, into running a half marathon. It is neat to see them start to feel the passion and excitement for running that comes with a lot of sweat and tears.

It has been difficult to train due to working full time and taking school full time, but it has definitely been worth it. For the first part of Janurary, I was really struggling with the training; not because it was too intense, but because I had very little time to do it and I was fighting of some sort of bug half the time.

In the last 2 weeks though, I have felt my body starting to meet up to the challenge. It is amazing all the benefits that stem from running. I have started to see changes in my body, like more toned muscles, more endurance, increased flexibility, I have started to feel changes in my emotional health. Running has always been the biggest stress relief for me. I have felt like I can handle the stresses of work and school so much better when I run or workout on a daily basis. Running also tends to give me more confidence. I start to feel more in tune with my body. This weird phenomenon happens where when I run a lot I start to crave healthier foods. It has also been really neat to do this with Ryan. It really strengthens our relationship and makes me feel closer to Ryan after a good run.

This week I have run 4-6 miles everyday but Monday and Sunday. I am excited because I am scheduled to run 7 miles on Monday and I cannot wait for that challenge! I have finally reached the point where running has become not only addictive (it is my own personal brand of heroine), but has become enjoyable! I am so grateful for the blessing I have to be able to run!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Best Valentines Gift Ever!

Ok, so remember what I said about being spoiled? Well, that was no exageration! Ryan got me a belated Valentines Day present. I honestly do not think I have ever been given a sexier present! Wow! I love it! Now I just need to learn how to ride it!!
This is a Kawasaki Ninja 250r. It is not a very big or powerful bike. I like to think of it as smooth and sleek. Ha, ok, it is a wimpy sports bike, but I know I cannot handle anything bigger! I LOVE the color! Oh my goodness! Ryan said when he saw it he had to get it for me, he said it just looked like it was made for me. I am pretty sure he was saying that just so I would like it, but it worked! It is a little to small for Ryan. This means that he has to buy his own bike now.
When my mom found out we got this bike, she had a few choice words for Ryan. She was not thrilled at all. I actually remember her saying she had raised me to be smarter than that! ohhh, that went deep. I was thinking about this...Why did we do this? Maybe its my own form of midlife crisis. For those of you who do not know, we have been trying to have a baby for a while, with no luck. Maybe subconciously we are trying to focus on something else so that we will stay sane while trying to get pregnant? Who knows!!
Honestly, I really do think this bike was made for me! It fits me PERFECT! I am falling deeper in love!

Now I am showing the love to my bike....I'm sold!

The INCREDIBLE Ryan Loveland

So I feel weird about sitting here and gushing about my amazing husband, but the reason why I am blogging is to document family history for my posterity so I just have to take a moment to gush!
(DISCLAIMER: This might get a little...well...gushy, so if you don't want to get all emotional gushy too, you may want to stop reading.)

In the picture above, Ryan Loveland, my incredible-beyond-words-husband is standing there hugging me. The reason why I posted this picture is because of the history of Ryan's hugs that I need to talk about.
Way back in nursing school before I even knew there was a chance to date Ry-guy, I would seek Ryan out in my clinical's at the hospital when things were getting stressful and steal a hug from him. Instantly after having his arms around me, everything would seem just fine. Actually, a lot of the times, things would seem more than fine, and the thought of facing Sister Killian, our intense clinical instructor, or DeeDee, the nurse I was following, wouldn't even faze me! There seemed to be some sort of medicinal quality to his incredible hugs.
One night when I was dating Ryan, I woke myself up crying because I felt sooo sick! I realized as I was waking up that I was crying out Ryan's name. I remember being so incredibly ill that night, and at 3:00 a.m. I thought that the only thing that would make me feel better was to be in Ryan's arms. I didn't end up calling him, because I knew we had a big test that day and I didn't want to make him more tired, but I think that was one of the first times I realized I loved Ryan. I realized that I knew that if I was with him everything was going to be ok.
Then the other night, I had a horrible nightmare. In my nightmare I was being chased around by people who wanted to kill me! I remember that in my dream, I finally found Ryan and he wrapped his arms around me, and all of a sudden everything was ok, and the bad guys couldn't get me.
And now, when life gets me down and school and work just seem like too much and I just feel like I can't make it any more, I just find Ryan a get one of those medicinal hugs from him, and all of a sudden it just seems like I can make it! I love Ryan, and I love the peace, calm, strength and joy I feel being with him. It is such a blessing to know that I will be with this man for eternity. I couldn't ask for a bigger blessing!

Yesterday, Ryan was exceptionally amazing! Ryan had this whole dinner planned out. We both love, love, love, love, salads. We could eat those everyday for a year and not be tired of them, if they weren't so expensive. So Ryan made one of our favorite salads that we like to get at a local resturaunt. It is hot-wing chicken salad. It is the best salad in the world! Well, Ryan attempted to make it yesterday. It turned out BETTER then it is at the resturaunt! It was the best salad I had ever tasted! It was so sweet of Ry because I was exhausted and I had accidentally fallen asleep on our love sack. I woke up to the smell of hot wing chicken and I looked over in the kitchen and Nick and Ryan were cooking and chopping up a storm. Then we ate our delicious salad and I, once again, accidentally fell asleep on the love sack and I woke up to the whole kitchen cleaned and the dishes done! The thing is, is that that is not an unusual occurrence. I have done dishes probably about 2 times in the last 10 months...literally. I never do dishes, Ryan always does those because he doesn't like making me do them. I think I may be a little spoiled!

This picture just cannot fully depict the amazing fiesta-in-your-mouth salad that Ry-love made!

Then for my last story about Ryan for today...
I love running. It is the biggest stress reliever of my life. I got into it in college when I was experiencing the highest amount of stress I had ever experienced before, and now I really don't think I could live without it.
Ryan, on the other hand, would say he almost hates running. Then after we go on a run he always tells me that it felt so good and he was so glad he went, but he always seems to forget that before the next run.
Yesterday, Ryan made me take a break from homework and we went out on the town:) He bought me a pair of soooo comfortable trail running shoes. I have been needing new shoes for a while, my old ones were making my knees and ankles hurt. I thought this was so sweet of Ryan because he hates to spend money and I have to beg him to buy anything for himself, but he bought me these shoes like he spends money all day long. That was a sweet act of love, but the bigger act of love is coming.
I wanted to go on a run and try out my new shoes. I asked Ry if he wanted to come and he said yes, but I could tell by the pained look on his face that that was probably the last thing on earth he wanted to do. I told him, that it was no big deal, I could go by myself, but he insisted that he wanted to come. I, being halfway selfish because I don't like running alone, and halfway caring because it makes me happy when he runs because it is so good for him, didn't push it and accepted that he was saying he wanted to come running.
We ended up running 6 miles. It was so amazing to have him running with me. I wouldn't have run that far by myself, for sure. After we ran and we were doing a cool down walk, I thanked him for coming with me and asked him why he always comes when I know he really doesn't love it. He said simply, that he comes because he likes to be with me.
I know that was so simple, but it meant the world to me. Everyday he treats me like a princess and so selflessly does things without even thinking about it. He is not only so good to me, but I see him act in such loving, unselfish ways to everyone. Ryan has been such a good, loving example to my little brother Nick who has been staying here for a while. I hear him in his night time prayers thank Heavenly Father that Nick is staying with us. I cannot tell you what it means to have such an incredible loving husband. Everyday, by seeing his example, I see what I want to be like and I have to motivation to keep trying to be a better person.
I love Ryan Loveland so much!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

To Military, or Not to Military?

Ryan and I are coming to yet another Y in the road in our lives. In April, we will (hopefully) graduate with our BSN (bachelor of science in nursing). When this happens Ryan has the opportunity to join any of the three military branches and join as an officer... This could be a great opportunity. Ryan would not have to do the intense Boot Camp and Tech school that enlisted people would do. He only has to go to a 6 week officer training school. There are many, many benefits to doing joining the military, but there are, of course, many disadvantages to doing this too.

Although we are not sure how much he will like the military he has really thought about staying in for at least 20 years if he really likes it.

As I am sitting here at the nurses station with no patients I thought I would just list out the benefits and disadvantages and try to see where that takes me.
(Disclaimer: Ryan and I have done a lot of research about this and the information I state can be backed up by medical staff in the military or the offical military websites, if anything looks wrong let me know, thanks!)

  • The military is in DESPERATE need for nurses so they have a SWEET sign on bonus
  • Because of that need every year we would get an AMAZING bonus just to stay in military
  • Every penny of Ryan's doctorate degree (probably in anesthesia) would be paid for (and that could cost upwards of $200,000) and on top of that he would get paid a stipend while in school, this means I would not have to think about working at all when we have kids
  • Ryan would most likely rank advance quickly, especially if he decided to stay in it more than 4-6 years because not too many medical people decide to do that
  • Housing and most bills would be paid for
  • Medical care is FREE, this means I can have all of my 10 children with no hospital bills!
  • I would have the opportunity to work part time as a civillian on base to keep my licsense up-civillians who work as nurses on a military base make about double what they make at a civillian hospital
  • We would have the opportunity to go to Germany, Korea, Japan and other amazing places. I want my children to be exposed to different people and cultures, I feel this is important for my family.
  • Ryan would have the opportunity to serve our country and the freedom that is invaluable ( I know our country has MAJOR issues, but go somewhere else and try to have a better life!)
  • I figured out that if Ryan were to make a career of it and we played it right with the income and housing allowance we could possibly get out of the military and buy a house out right, no loans...
  • I would occasionally get to see Ry in a sweet uniform ;)
  • If Ryan decided to make a career of it and stay in the military for 20 years he would get a wonderful retirement, then be able to get a job in the real world and have a duel income
  • We would have a lot of neat opportunities to be involved with the Church all over the country and world

Ok... So there are many, many advantages. Looking over them, many of them are financial, but there are many advantages that are related to experiences were couldn't have otherwise. Now for the disadvantages.


  • The BIGGEST problem would be that Ryan WOULD leave me and our future kids for months at a time. The neat thing is that in most branches the medical deployments usually are no longer than 4 months... But 4 months... is it worth it?
  • Ryan could get sent to dangerous areas ( depending out what area of nursing he is in the likelyhood isn't huge he would get sent to the frontlines or places that are highly dangerous)
  • We wouldn't be able to live near our family and our children may not get to know their grandparents and cousins as well as they should
  • Both sides of our family may not understand/support our choice to join the military
  • Once Ryan got his doctorates he could make much more in the civillian world
  • Ryan would leave me and miss times that are so important to our children's development
  • I have seen the military jerk my friends who are the military around, you have almost no control over your life
  • Did I mention I would have to be without Ryan for months at a time?

I can't think of too many other disadvantages, can anyone else think of any?

So this is where we are at right now. As soon as school is over we are going to be visiting bases and recruiters and see what else can be promised. After that we will do serious praying about it and try our hardest to make the right choice. I am so grateful for the opportunity we have to receive personal revelation from our Heavenly Father. Life would be so scare without it!

Well, we will just have to wait and see what will happen! Life is crazy, but it is so fun. Who knows where we will be in a year!??!?!?!?!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Another Great Day!!!

Today was a wonderful day! We had planned to go on a big bike ride this morning. There are some trails north of this town. Everyone says they are great. You have to pay $20 a year to ride on them to help them keep the trails up. We went to the store to get the key to the trail. They told us that the trails were too muddy... So sad! Ryan and I were both like, "Really? It has rained that much?" The clerk just looked at us like we were dumb, and said, "Were have you been." Ryan and I just looked at him and said, " We live in the hospital and have no clue what is going on outside of the hospital world!"
Anyways, our friends and us walked away feeling like our hopes and dreams had been dejected. Have you ever ridden on the trails? Have you have felt that craving to get the rush of flying down some hills, and maneuvering over roots and rocks? That craving is probably comparable to the craving that some have for heroine. I don't know, but I can imagine.
So today, when we were told we couldn't go to those trails it felt like everything we were living for was for not...So we turned to our other comfort...Food.
We met up with some other friends at IHOP and buried a worries in omelets and pancakes. Afterwards, our spirits were somewhat lifted. We stayed and talked with our friend Jesse Burt and decided to brave the mud.
It was so fun! We got so muddy. At one point we had to get across these HUGE puddles! We were laughing so hard that I almost feel into the puddle! Ha, it was so fun.
Then we came home and Nick and Ryan cleaned out the mud on our bikes, which took a long time! While they were doing that I made some tasty beef stew from scratch. We settled down and munched on the stew. I was pleasantly surprised with the stew. It was delicious and super healthy!
Nick and Ryan went to go play raquett ball with some friends and I was starting to feel really yucky. So I stayed and took a 2 hour nap. It was heaven. They came home and now we are just relaxing at home.
How is life so great? I am so grateful for my sweet husband helps me out so much and is so patient with my special little brother. I realized today as I was doing dishes after dinner that that was the first time I had done dishes is such a long time, because Ryan always did them without saying anything. I don't ever have to ask him. He is always trying to help me as much as he can. Seriously, life is so good, I need to remember to live in the moment!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Cake Break at Midnight...Why Not?

So Nick might be a little bit spoiled...
I got called off tonight!! Woohooo!!! Nick was pretty excited too. But when he found out that I planned on doing homework all night long, he get bummed real quick. I felt really bad, but I really have to get on top of my homework.
Around 10:30-11:00ish Nick asked me if I would make him cake...My first reaction was like, "Dude, it's almost midnight." Then I realized, it's midnight, when is a better time to make cake then midnight? So we made cake. Nick wanted the layered cake. I only have one round pan, so I supplemented with using one square pan too. Ha, it ended up being an earthquake cake, and man was it tasty!
Nick was pretty happy with the cake! He is a funny guy, he pretty much lives off of sugar and white flour. Occasionally, he supplements his diet with cheese and dairy, hardly ever does he eat fresh veggies or fruits and he is so fit! He basically has a six pack! Wow, to have the metabolism of a 15 year old teenage boy!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sweet Craig's List Finds!

So, no, we are not pregnant but I was browsing on Craig's list at work and I saw this beautiful, old fashion styled basinet! It was only 30 $!! I told Ryan we HAD to get it, he wasn't so sure but when we were talking to the lady we bought it from she sad that because she waited til the last minute she ended up spending 1000$ on her baby stuff, so in the end, I think we made a good choice!

This is our beautiful entertainment center we also got on Craig's List, it was only 40 $! I love it! It makes our living room look more homey!

Nick's Hair Cut

So in highschool there was a time period when Nick would not let anyone cut his hair but me. These hair cutting sessions were long. I remember there were times that I would be the one sitting on the table and his head would be laying in my lap and I was supposed to be cutting his hair...It was always fun, though. This hair cutting session was MUCH better! He sat still the whole time! He went from long dark locks to short and blond. I think he is such a handsome kid! He was a little upset I cut his hair so short, but look it shows off his big blue eyes!!!