8 MONTHS....
How did 8 months go by so quickly? Ahh...It's scary. She is just growing and changing so fast I can't believe it!
She is just perfect!
I get stopped in the store often by someone telling me what a doll baby I have. The other day someone came up to me and said, 'Your baby is Dynamic.' It took me a second, but then it clicked, that is exactly it! I couldn't agree more ;) Now when I am at a loss of words on how to describe her, I just say, 'Man, she's DYNAMIC!"
She has cut through her top two teeth now. That was crazy. For a couple days she wasn't as happy as normal and had a little runny nose then...Wa La!! She had to little teeth popping through. She did fuss or cry with these or with her bottom teeth. My theory is she experienced a lot of pain with the colic :( and so teething is no biggie for her.
She has been saying words like 'mamamama', dadadada, abadbabada, gRRooOwl (heheh) for a while now, but it seems like she understands who "mama" is and who dada is.
She has been mimicking sounds for a couple weeks. I don't know if she realizes what she is doing but if I repeat a word over and over she will usually try to say it.
She isn't crawling yet, but unfortunately it seems like it will start soon. My life will never be the same!
She is sooo happy all of the time! She LOVES people. She LOVES to shop because there are people at stores. She will greet people with sometime of growl or shout and it sure get's their attention.
People LOVE her. She can make anyone smile...especially Ryan and I.
Did I mention that she loves to match with me? hehe
I am proud of this outfit...The clothes are all thrifted and the headband is made!
I am proud of this girl:D
The picture above you can totally see her two top teeth. I started to cry when I saw them. She is growing up too fast!
Love is too weak of a word when it comes to how I feel about her.
The daddy is hooked!
The mama too!
Claire Bear, when you are older and reading this I just want you to know what a special person you are! I am so blessed to have you in my life! I love you!
How did 8 months go by so quickly? Ahh...It's scary. She is just growing and changing so fast I can't believe it!
She is just perfect!
I get stopped in the store often by someone telling me what a doll baby I have. The other day someone came up to me and said, 'Your baby is Dynamic.' It took me a second, but then it clicked, that is exactly it! I couldn't agree more ;) Now when I am at a loss of words on how to describe her, I just say, 'Man, she's DYNAMIC!"
She has cut through her top two teeth now. That was crazy. For a couple days she wasn't as happy as normal and had a little runny nose then...Wa La!! She had to little teeth popping through. She did fuss or cry with these or with her bottom teeth. My theory is she experienced a lot of pain with the colic :( and so teething is no biggie for her.
She has been saying words like 'mamamama', dadadada, abadbabada, gRRooOwl (heheh) for a while now, but it seems like she understands who "mama" is and who dada is.
She has been mimicking sounds for a couple weeks. I don't know if she realizes what she is doing but if I repeat a word over and over she will usually try to say it.
She isn't crawling yet, but unfortunately it seems like it will start soon. My life will never be the same!
She is sooo happy all of the time! She LOVES people. She LOVES to shop because there are people at stores. She will greet people with sometime of growl or shout and it sure get's their attention.
People LOVE her. She can make anyone smile...especially Ryan and I.
Did I mention that she loves to match with me? hehe
I am proud of this outfit...The clothes are all thrifted and the headband is made!
I am proud of this girl:D
The picture above you can totally see her two top teeth. I started to cry when I saw them. She is growing up too fast!
Love is too weak of a word when it comes to how I feel about her.
The daddy is hooked!
The mama too!
Claire Bear, when you are older and reading this I just want you to know what a special person you are! I am so blessed to have you in my life! I love you!
Jeni, I LOVE reading your blog! You make me so excited about the future with my little Daphne. When you describe Claire i think of Daph cause she is the same way just happy, happy, happy. Keep the posts and pictures coming!