This is my sweet little nephew. The poor baby had to be intubated ( a tube put into his lungs so he could breathe) right after delivery. Now he is on c-pap. He is doing better, but still struggling a little bit. Ryan and I are going to fly out to Idaho in May to visit him.
This sweet little baby has Roberta's eyes and Scott's mouth. I just want to cuddle him sooo bad!!
He was a 4 weeks early, but wasn't tiny for being 36 weeks. He weighed 6 lbs 9 oz.
How sweet!
I really wish I could have been there, but I worked and it ended up not working out, but it is ok. Everything is going well, I can't wait to see him!
The Vital Babymoon
5 months ago
First baby on both sides? That sure is exciting! Aww...poor little guy! I hope he is doing ok?! That is great that you and Ryan are able to fly out there in May. I bet time just can't go by fast enough. :)