Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The INCREDIBLE Ryan Loveland

So I feel weird about sitting here and gushing about my amazing husband, but the reason why I am blogging is to document family history for my posterity so I just have to take a moment to gush!
(DISCLAIMER: This might get a little...well...gushy, so if you don't want to get all emotional gushy too, you may want to stop reading.)

In the picture above, Ryan Loveland, my incredible-beyond-words-husband is standing there hugging me. The reason why I posted this picture is because of the history of Ryan's hugs that I need to talk about.
Way back in nursing school before I even knew there was a chance to date Ry-guy, I would seek Ryan out in my clinical's at the hospital when things were getting stressful and steal a hug from him. Instantly after having his arms around me, everything would seem just fine. Actually, a lot of the times, things would seem more than fine, and the thought of facing Sister Killian, our intense clinical instructor, or DeeDee, the nurse I was following, wouldn't even faze me! There seemed to be some sort of medicinal quality to his incredible hugs.
One night when I was dating Ryan, I woke myself up crying because I felt sooo sick! I realized as I was waking up that I was crying out Ryan's name. I remember being so incredibly ill that night, and at 3:00 a.m. I thought that the only thing that would make me feel better was to be in Ryan's arms. I didn't end up calling him, because I knew we had a big test that day and I didn't want to make him more tired, but I think that was one of the first times I realized I loved Ryan. I realized that I knew that if I was with him everything was going to be ok.
Then the other night, I had a horrible nightmare. In my nightmare I was being chased around by people who wanted to kill me! I remember that in my dream, I finally found Ryan and he wrapped his arms around me, and all of a sudden everything was ok, and the bad guys couldn't get me.
And now, when life gets me down and school and work just seem like too much and I just feel like I can't make it any more, I just find Ryan a get one of those medicinal hugs from him, and all of a sudden it just seems like I can make it! I love Ryan, and I love the peace, calm, strength and joy I feel being with him. It is such a blessing to know that I will be with this man for eternity. I couldn't ask for a bigger blessing!

Yesterday, Ryan was exceptionally amazing! Ryan had this whole dinner planned out. We both love, love, love, love, salads. We could eat those everyday for a year and not be tired of them, if they weren't so expensive. So Ryan made one of our favorite salads that we like to get at a local resturaunt. It is hot-wing chicken salad. It is the best salad in the world! Well, Ryan attempted to make it yesterday. It turned out BETTER then it is at the resturaunt! It was the best salad I had ever tasted! It was so sweet of Ry because I was exhausted and I had accidentally fallen asleep on our love sack. I woke up to the smell of hot wing chicken and I looked over in the kitchen and Nick and Ryan were cooking and chopping up a storm. Then we ate our delicious salad and I, once again, accidentally fell asleep on the love sack and I woke up to the whole kitchen cleaned and the dishes done! The thing is, is that that is not an unusual occurrence. I have done dishes probably about 2 times in the last 10 months...literally. I never do dishes, Ryan always does those because he doesn't like making me do them. I think I may be a little spoiled!

This picture just cannot fully depict the amazing fiesta-in-your-mouth salad that Ry-love made!

Then for my last story about Ryan for today...
I love running. It is the biggest stress reliever of my life. I got into it in college when I was experiencing the highest amount of stress I had ever experienced before, and now I really don't think I could live without it.
Ryan, on the other hand, would say he almost hates running. Then after we go on a run he always tells me that it felt so good and he was so glad he went, but he always seems to forget that before the next run.
Yesterday, Ryan made me take a break from homework and we went out on the town:) He bought me a pair of soooo comfortable trail running shoes. I have been needing new shoes for a while, my old ones were making my knees and ankles hurt. I thought this was so sweet of Ryan because he hates to spend money and I have to beg him to buy anything for himself, but he bought me these shoes like he spends money all day long. That was a sweet act of love, but the bigger act of love is coming.
I wanted to go on a run and try out my new shoes. I asked Ry if he wanted to come and he said yes, but I could tell by the pained look on his face that that was probably the last thing on earth he wanted to do. I told him, that it was no big deal, I could go by myself, but he insisted that he wanted to come. I, being halfway selfish because I don't like running alone, and halfway caring because it makes me happy when he runs because it is so good for him, didn't push it and accepted that he was saying he wanted to come running.
We ended up running 6 miles. It was so amazing to have him running with me. I wouldn't have run that far by myself, for sure. After we ran and we were doing a cool down walk, I thanked him for coming with me and asked him why he always comes when I know he really doesn't love it. He said simply, that he comes because he likes to be with me.
I know that was so simple, but it meant the world to me. Everyday he treats me like a princess and so selflessly does things without even thinking about it. He is not only so good to me, but I see him act in such loving, unselfish ways to everyone. Ryan has been such a good, loving example to my little brother Nick who has been staying here for a while. I hear him in his night time prayers thank Heavenly Father that Nick is staying with us. I cannot tell you what it means to have such an incredible loving husband. Everyday, by seeing his example, I see what I want to be like and I have to motivation to keep trying to be a better person.
I love Ryan Loveland so much!

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