Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Boy and His Dog

When we first moved here and I was so sick, Sophie, my families dog, would lay curled up to me all day long. She would get very worried when I would throw up and always started barking and run off and tell my mom. Well, as I started to get better she started to bond with Ryan more too. Now Ryan and her are very close. Ryan was never too excited about having indoor animals, but now HE is the one who will grab her before we go to bed and invite her to sleep with us; and of course she always graciously accepts that offer!

This is Sophie. She is half Jack Russel Terrier and half Corgi, AKA Co-Jack. She is incredibly smart and sweet. She is a great guard dog. In fact when Sophie feels that one of the kids is a danger to Ryan or me, she will bark at them and tell them to back away. It is pretty funny.

Sophie loves to be held like this...I know she is an odd dog! Ryan will walk around just holding and scratching her and she loves it.

This is her in her favorite sleeping position. She sleeps like this in between Ryan and I and under the covers. She is so funny.
They really do love each other!

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