Sunday, June 13, 2010

Trip to Fort Worth

Ryan I were able to take a fun trip to Fort Worth to go to our newest nephew's baby blessing. This is Cory and Diana's 4th child. His name is Collin Joseph Loveland. He is a sweet, calm baby. We had a really fun time playing with the kids for 4 days. This picture is a little blurry, but you get the drift.

These are their other children. Carston, 2 years old is on the left. He is full of energy and love! If I weren't so madly in love with Ryan, Carston would have stoled my heart! Then there is Collin, then Caden, 4 years old. He is a sweet, quiet boy. The oldest is Kiana who is 6 years old. She is fun and very intelligent. She reminds me a lot of her mom, Diana.

This is the Corey Loveland family!

This was the star of the show! He looks very Lovelandish!

Diana is a wonderful chef. We were fed very well while we were there. Thanks Diana!

This is Carston loving on "Baby Collin". That is what he calls Collin. He is a very good brother!

Corey is Ryan's oldest brother. Over a year ago Ryan started growing a ghotee (sp?) and slowly his brother's began to follow suit. Now both Corey and Ben are sporting them and I think they all pull it off well!
We enjoyed a run with Corey too. On our run we found a dead rattle snake...right on the streets in the sub division!! Then later that day there was a 6 foot long rat snake right infront of their house!!! We had our own version of rat snake round up and got the HUGE snake into a box and transplanted it to a field a ways away to continue to feast on any and all rats!!!

We were able to go to the Fort Worth zoo!! Zoos are always fun, but they are sooo much more fun with kids!!! Carston was a crack up the whole day! It was fun to see the zoo through his eyes. Everything was so much more fun adn exciting!

This is part of the gang. It was a fun day, but super hot and sunny!! I broke down and spent $2.50 on a drink because I was dying of thirst! We never do that, but desperate times call for desperate measures!!


Another one of our adventures while we were there was going to this inflateable jumping gym place. It was a BLAST!! I love being with kids because then you have an excuse to be a kid yourself!!!! :) Carston and I were almost inserperable. That kid has stamina!! When I would get tired of one area and couldn't pull him away I would say, "Carston, where's Uncle Ryan?" Carston would stop what he was doing, start looking around then run out yelling, "Wyan? Wyan? Where Wyan?" Then we would find him and yell and scream and then go on to the next area. It was so funny!

This is Carston outside of a resturaunt we went to just enjoying life!

We just ate a HUGE meal and were trying to relax and digest!

The last day we were there we went to the pool and had a great time. This is Ryan and I and Carston. Ryan scared Cartson a little so for the rest of the day, he wouldn't let me put him down...I didn't mind though ;) I think I am in love....again!

The good old fashion kiddy pool!

Carston was trying to explain something to me...

Ryan didn't have any younger siblings so he loves to pick on my younger siblings or his neices and nephews...Ryan was hassling Kiana all day long. I remember when my uncles would do that and I remember one specific aunt who was my hero because she would save me time and time again. I tried to be that aunt for Kiana....It was pretty funny!

I am pretty sure my exact words at this time was..."Ry, you are being mean!!! Girls are always supposed to win!!!"

This is a group shot of us and Ryan's parents.

The last day we were there it was Bruce's birthday. Diana made this gormet cake! It was 6 thin layers of cake with chocolate mouse in between and then a dark fudgy icing on top!!! Oh was HEAVEN!!! Happy birthday Bruce!

This was our last group shot of the trip!!! Man did we really enjoy ourselves! I can't wait to see the family again!! Love you guys!!!

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